American Journal of Translation Studies
American Journal of Translation Studies
ISSN: 1947-4679(Print)  1947-4687(online)
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year
Publisher: American Academic Press

Submission of Manuscripts

  • Please submit your manuscripts, as well as any other correspondence regarding the Journal to Email:
  • Manuscripts should be paginated consecutively throughout the paper. Submission should be via e-mail, as an attachment in Microsoft word, and should be clearly identified with the authors' names and file name. Include a shortened version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 character spaces. Each article should be summarized in an abstract of not more than 100 words; abbreviations, diagrams, and reference to the text should be avoided in the abstract and, be with key words of not more than 15 words.
  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher.
  • If material has been published elsewhere, authors must obtain the consent of the earlier publisher.
  • References must be indicated in the text by brackets [ ]. Identify references in the text of the paper by typing the corresponding surname (or first surname) and year in brackets e.g.: [author (1998)]. They are listed alphabetically at the end of the paper under the major heading "References" (12-point bold font) left justified. List authors alphabetically by the first letter of the first author's surname name. Book titles and names of journals should be printed in italics. Please adopt the following style for references :
    • A author, A. (1998). Title of Book. XYZ Press, New York.
    • B author, B. and Aauthor, A. (1999). Title of Paper. Journal vol. 3(2), 1-20.
    • C author, C., Aauthor, A., Bauthor, B., and Jones, G. (1996). Title of Paper, in Title of Book, (E. Editor, ed.). XYZ Press, New York, 47-82.
    • For multiple papers in the same year by the same author(s):
      • Bauthor, B. and Aauthor, A. (1995A). Title of PaperA. JournalA vol. 3(5),1-20.
      • Bauthor, B. and Aauthor, A. (1995B). Title of PaperB. JournalB vol. 6(9),56-80.
  • All papers should end with a conclusion which summarizes the value of the work end, where appropriate, indicates possible directions for future developments.
  • All manuscripts should also include a biographical sketch of the author, not to exceed 100 words, on a separate page. The corresponding author must include a complete mailing address, telephone number, and fax number.
  • Use single quotation marks with double within if needed.
  • This journal requires a short paragraph of bibliographical details for all contributors.

Format of the paper

  • Use Microsoft Word for text
  • paper size: 235mm×155mm, with a 31mm margin at top and 29mm bottom and, 20mm margin at left and right and single column
  • Title, 14pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Center
  • Author, 10.5pt, Times New Roman, Capitalizing all the letters of the family name and the first letter of the first name, Center
  • Affiliation(s), 9pt, Times New Roman, Center
  • Abstract/Key words, 9pt, Times New Roman, 3~8 Key words and Capitalizing all the first Letters
  • Text body, 10.5pt, Times New Roman, single spaced, fully justified
  • Heading 1, 12pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Align left
  • Heading 2, 10.5pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Align left
  • Heading 3, 10.5pt, Times New Roman, Align left
  • Table/Figure title, 9pt, Times New Roman, Bold; Words in Table/Figure, 9pt, Times New Roman
  • Reference, 9pt, Times New Roman
  • All equations and expressions in the paper must be numbered sequentially (Ex. (1)…) and align right
  • Embed graphics, "jpg" format
  • Plain English should be used where appropriate


Articles should focus on a major, current theme of interest to the study of Languages, Cultures or Translation. They should explain an issue in a fairly practical way and provide thoughtful analysis, comment, evaluation and criticism as appropriate.

Word length

Approximately 2,500-5,000

Review Process

Please note that all contributions undergo a review process (i.e. manuscripts are submitted to external referees) prior to publication and some amendment may be required to ensure the piece is entirely suitable for publication. It is always preferable to check that your chosen topic has not already been commissioned before you start writing.

Submitting Copy

Copy should be submitted electronically where possible to the Publishing Editor, Word is preferred) All submissions should be in English. All contributors receive e-copy of the issue containing their article upon publication.


Each corresponding author will receive one e-copy of the issue in which the article appears. Reprints of individual articles are available for order at the time authors review page proofs. A discount on reprints is available to authors who order before print publication.

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