Book Details
Author: PAN LIN
Publication Year: 2019
ISBN: 9781631819728
Page Count: 110
List Price: $32.99
Book Introduction:  Heart Sutra, which is the core and essence of 600-volumn Mahaprajna-paramita-sutra, has been interpreted and annotated by many scholars with many versions since its existence in the world. Most of the annotators’ interpreting Heart Sutra from the point of the view of religion keeps many people off it, which results in people’s ignorance of the wisdom it contains. In fact, Heart Sutra is not a religious classic at all. Instead, it is a canon related to life awakening and ultimate liberation which transcends religion. Heart Sutra, the classic which is a must book for readers from the ancient time to nowadays, has long before been one part of Chinese traditional culture. Revealing the Truth of Life: Interpretation of ‘Heart Sutra’ written by Mr. Pan Lin interprets Heart Sutra from the point of view of life science to elaborate the profound and true meaning of Heart Sutra.

Mr. Pan Lin, the founder of The Institute of Oriental Lifeology and a celebrated expert on Lifeology, has inherited many intangible cultural heritages, such as Crown Yoga (Transmission from Heart to Heart System), Teaism (Authentic Zen Teaism), Zen Dance (Gandharva Dance in Samadhi), Incense Lore (Esoteric Danxiang System), Art of Healing (Life Medicine System), Lion’s Roar (Sanskrit Mantra System), Dzogchen (Adi Yoga or Mahasandhi, Realization of Rainbow Body System) and Reverse Biological Clock (Studies of the Kalacakra System).
Mr. Pan’s masterpieces include The Door to Awakening Being Unlocked, Crown Yoga: from Physical and Mental Health to Life Awakening, Interpretation of Yoga Sutra, Broad-sense Great Learning, Admiring the Moon in Nirvana: the Wisdom of Diamond Sutra, Transmission from Heart to Heart: Mr. Pan Lin Presents Crown Yoga, Revealing the Truth of Life: Interpretation of Heart Sutra, Crown Yoga: from Physical and Mental Health to Life Awakening (English version). Besides, his English book Come up to the Great Guru was published in India in 2010.

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